A client wanted to extend its functional food offering by introducing a completely new product range. They also requested all the ingredients in the new range were compliant with US and EU food regulations. The formulations provided by Alimentarius gave major cost savings, with greater efficacy and ease of use than existing products. Consumers easily understood these benefits and as a consequence the product range quickly achieved global acclaim and commercial success.
Author: william
Research trials 2010b
A UK based supplement manufacturer wanted to improve the advertising platform or its’ flagship product by conducting a human research trial to support new marketing claims. The manufacturer had a total budget for the study of less than £5,000. Discussions with commercial food research groups soon indicated that it was impossible for any of these companies to fulfill the required research objectives within the allotted budget. When the supplement manufacturer contacted Alimentarius we were able to find a non-conflicting research partner who was interested in the same research outcomes. This collaboration allowed a clinical standard human research trial to be performed within the allotted £5,000 budget. The trial resulted in positive findings that were published in a peer reviewed scientific journal and provided additional marketing claims for the product that greatly increased consumer appeal.
Research trials 2010a
A major European functional food manufacturer wanted to conduct food research trials to provide marketing claims for its core range of products. To satisfy the requirements of the advertising regulators these studies need to be placebo controlled and double blind. They approached Alimentarius to locate a suitable academic institution to conduct the research and asked us to develop a range cost effective and sensitive research protocols. Alimentarius provided a range of rigorous low cost study designs, which could provide empirical evidence for each products benefits. The studies were conducted at a UK university, which provided our clients with substantial cost savings relative to commercial research organisations. The research trial on each product yielded several positive outcomes that were used to support a range of health claims. These included claims relating to improved recovery, enhanced performance and increased fat burning. The findings of each study were successfully used to support advertising claims in the press, on billboards, terrestrial TV and the Internet.
Irish Medicines Board 2008a
A major European supplement brand was accused of selling anabolic steroids by the Irish Medicines Board (IMB). The IMB were removing the manufacturers supplements from retailers’ shelves causing them considerable distress and concern from customers. Alimentarius were asked to review the available evidence on the compound in question and prepare a positional statement. In addition to providing extensive human safety data Alimentarius clearly demonstrated that the compound in dispute was not an anabolic steroid. The IMB concurred with the position statement of Alimentarius and our clients products were quickly returned to the retailers, minimising commercial damage and restoring consumer confidence in the brand.
HMRC 2011
Alimentarius were approached by a major European supplement brand with product listings in all the major UK supermarkets. They asked Alimentarius to review the tax status of a range of functional food products that were sold throughout the EU. We provided a series of strategic changes that resulted in the core product range legitimately being moved from the standard rate of VAT to being zero rated for tax in several EU member states. This made the products more competitive in the European market and also increased their profitability both for our clients and retailers.
HMRC 2009
Alimentarius asked to review the UK tax status of the product range produced by a major European functional food brand sold in the UK. After detailed consultation with HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), Alimentarius suggested a serious of strategic changes for our clients products. These were inexpensive to implement and allowed several of the brands core products to legitimately be moved from VAT at the standard rate to a zero VAT rating. This made the products more competitive and resulted in better margins for retailers, resulting in a considerable increase in sales.
Ministero Della Salute 2009
A major European supplement brand wanted to sell its’ supplement range into the Italian market. These included energy drinks, recovery drinks, energy bars, protein bars, protein powders and ergogenic aids. The process required registration of each product with the Italian authorities (Ministero Della Salute) and the provision of a scientific dossier to support each product. Alimentarius assembled all the scientific dossiers required for the registration process and the products were successfully registered without the need for any supplemental data. This saved the clients a substantial amount of time and money, allowing the products to be launched at the most commercially beneficial time of the year. Our clients brand went on to establish itself as a leading sport supplement brand in the Italian market.
Hellenic Food Authority 2008
A major European sports supplement brand wanted to extend the sale of its’ products into Greece. The supplements included energy bars, protein bars, protein drinks, energy drinks, fat loss products, multivitamins, minerals and herbs. This required registration of each product with the Hellenic Food Authority (EFET) and the provision of a scientific dossier for each product. Alimentarius were provided just a few weeks to assemble all the scientific evidence needed for the registration process. We were able to meet this deadline because of our experience in product registration and extensive nutritional research library. All the products were successfully registered with the Hellenic Food Authority without the need for any additional data and our client went on to establish itself as the leading sport supplement brand in the Greek market.
Food Standards Australia 2011
A global supplement brand wanted to import its’ products into Australia. They contacted a regulatory expert specializing in Australian food law, who advised that several of the supplements would need to undergo re-labeling and/or reformulation. Alimentarius liaised with Australian regulatory experts and quickly identified several routes that allowed the supplements to legally enter the Australian market without reformulation or re-labeling. Alimentarius were able to save their clients a substantial amount of time and the costs of reformulation; accelerating successful entry of the products into the Australian market.
Press Association
A journalist for a major sports magazine published a negative review about an energy bar. The bar manufacturer complained to the UK Press Association, who requested the magazine provide evidence to support the opinions expressed by the journalist in the review. The author was unable to provide evidence to support the comments in the review and the magazine contacted Alimentarius for assistance. Although we had no involvement in the publication of the original review we were able to provide scientific substantiation for the journalists opinions. This was sufficient to satisfy both the Press Association and the bar manufacturer and avert legal action against the magazine.